venvstas competition

The future of stationery. 2020 Venvstas Italy design competition.

Submission: July 10, 2020
Registration: July 10, 2020
Language: English
Location: Concept
Prizes: Please see details below
Type: Open


Although we are living in a time where the bulk of our information is produced by computers, there’s still room for the analog. Most of what we draw is on paper, calligraphy is considered an art and greatest designs and artistic ideas start as a small sketch or a note of some kind on a piece of paper.

Venvstas was founded in 2014 as a branch of a design office (Lucio Rossi design/U75). Today it has its own life and its producing some of the most interesting writing instruments and accessories one can find. We think that the tools we use have to be inspiring, have to be holders of a certain quality and a design that has to resist the test of time. Make now something for today but thinking about tomorrow. We believe in objects that are to be kept through the years, meaning that they will not be part of the current cycle of fast introduction and disposal. If something is well designed, well made and looks beautiful, it will be more likely to be kept.

The current times are tough ones for each of us although they show as a test, an opportunity where hopefully designers will start to understand such values, as the ones that are the pillars of our brand, the Vitruvian triad, that can apply to anything that’s designed or built, not only architecture.

Firmitas. A building has to be strong.
Vtilitas. A building has to serve to a purpose.
Venvstas. A building has to have the qualities of Venus. It has to be beautiful.

If any single object that’s designed in our planet would follow these simple principles, (or at least one) the situation regarding waste and obsolescence would be a different one. If a product is made to last, recycling is not anymore the issue it is nowadays, as little of what’s produced and labeled as recyclable ever gets recycled being at best up-cycled. Since we are still too far from a “cradle to cradle” model we should start focusing in producing less waste and we strongly believe that one way is by doing better objects and fostering endurance, both in built quality and design.

Our contribution to the current crisis is to make you to think on this reality and the different opportunities it could bring. It’s a time not to be still, it’s a time for ideas and movement, it’s the time to think on how we’re going to live in the near future, it is not anymore just a matter of the planet we’ll leave to future generations, but the planet we live in now.


The task:

Design a concept, an object or a product that is in line with the theme: The future of stationery.

This refers to any product that fits the category «stationery», like writing equipment, notebooks, desk accessories or anything that you may feel belongs to a desk and can be suitable for home or office use or both. Products can be aimed at the general public, professionals or hobbyists alike.
The entry is FREE, there’s no fee. Submission is via the internet.



Prof. Architect Attilio Terragni – Milano, Italy.

Prof. Architect Alexander Kalachev – UNStudio associate – Amsterdam, Netherlands

Architect Filippo Carmignani Tirelli – CEO Venvstas Italy.
Prof. Architect Lucio Rossi – Founder of Venvstas, designer.

Judging criteria:

1-Originality of the concept.

2-Functionality. (not a decorative object)

3-Environmental impact. Materials.




First price: A Venvstas set consisting of a Magna Gold edition fountain pen with pen case, a pen stand and a Designer 8, 2mm linear carbon fiber mechanical pencil. Signed diploma.
Second prize: A Venvstas set consisting of a Magna Titanium edition fountain pen with pen case, a pen stand and a Designer 8, 2mm linear carbon fiber mechanical pencil. Signed diploma.
Third prize: A Venvstas set consisting of a Carbon T fountain pen with pen case, a pen stand and a Designer 8, 2mm linear carbon fiber mechanical pencil. Signed diploma.

Instagram prize : A Venvstas set consisting of a Carbon T fountain pen, pen case and pen stand, signed diploma.

Any awarded project may be eligible for further development upon agreement between Venvstas and the rights owner.



Competition announcement: May 10th 2020

Submission period: 10th of June 2020 until July 10th 12.00am (UTC+01:00) Rome time.

Submission of questions: Between May 12th until May 30th .

FAQ publishing: June 1st 2020

Instagram voting period: From August 1st to September 1st

Results: September 7th 2020


Competition rules:

“The future of stationery” design competition is an open one stage design competition. Designers, architects, artists and creative people from around the globe are all welcome to submit their ideas. There are no fees, its free to participate. You only have to be 18 years old or more at the moment of the publication of these rules.

The competition will be conducted via the internet and the official language is English. Submission is electronic.
Entrants will remain anonymous and no members of the jury or organizers of the competition or staff related to either Venvstas Italy or U75-Lucio Rossi Design or Sylbyca srls can take part in the competition.
Participants should take their own measures for protecting their ideas. Venvstas Italy/Sylbyca srls won’t be responsible for any problem related to copyright infringement by any of the participants. Venvstas Italy/Sylbyca srls won’t utilize or produce any submitted design (awarded or not) in any form without any clear written contract and/or permission from the creator/s. Entrants must agree that their designs or ideas if selected may be displayed on the website of the brand and related social media (Instagram).

Venvstas Italy as a trademark of Sylbyca srls of Italy, is not obliged to produce any of the winning entries or any other entry. Contracts if applied will be negotiated between the parties, participants retain all their rights for their ideas and should take measures in order to protect them.

Submission requirements:

One A3 sized panel in jpg format describing the idea, maximum resolution of 200dpi, 3 MB.

Presentation techniques are free: computer or hand renderings, perspectives, drawings or photographs of models are all welcome.

Images must be clear for the jury to have a good representation and understanding of the concept or product.

Scale is free for the participants to choose, but it´s mandatory to include a graphic one in millimeters to show the basic dimensions of the proposal.

The panel must include a maximum of 200 words explanatory text in Arial font size 11. Formatting is free. Additional text can be added as titles or references when needed, such as dimensions, materials or as complement of any graphic.


Submission of entries is electronic via the competition email.

The submission period goes between the 10th of June 2020 until July 10, 12.00am (UTC+01:00) Rome time.
Passed this period submissions are closed. No previous registration is needed in order to submit.

Participants can submit more than one idea, but not a variation of one.

Participants are required to only upload one file per entry.

Participants can submit their questions to: competition@venvstas.com between May 12th until May 30th .
FAQs will be published on the competition page on June 1st. Any question related to the competition submitted via any other form or contact email from Venvstas Italy will be not taken into consideration nor answered.

Instagram vote:

A special prize from the public will be given. All entries will be published in our Instagram page (https://www.instagram.com/venvstas/) under the hashtag #venvstascompetition2020; the entry with the biggest amount of likes will be awarded the Instagram prize.

How to submit:

Submission is via the competition email.

Participants are required to send via email (competition@venvtstas.com) the file as an attachment. The file should be max 3MB in size JPG format. The size of the panel must be A3 ( 3307×2339 pixels) 200dpi.

Other formats won’t be accepted. On the subject of the email the name of the file should be written.
A name of the file has to be a combination of 3 capital letters and 3 numbers in any given order. Example: 7Z9D6P or 764XFR.

In the email the following data has to be provided:
Complete name (in case of a group – all members and the appointed contact person)
A telephone contact number with country code. ​

After the uploading of the file the entry will be confirmed. Confirmation may take time in relation to the number of submissions.​

Files will be renamed after submission and members of the jury will only see the panels, so the instagramers during Instagram voting.


The following submissions will be disqualified:

Projects that fail to present a proposal for a stationery product or accessory;

Subsequent entries from a single participant that may look like or are a variation of a previously submitted project;

Entries that contain references to websites, links, or may give any hint of the author(s) or any other information that is not the strictly needed for the understanding of the project.

linear carbon fiber mechanical pencil. Signed diploma.
Second prize: A Venvstas set consisting of a Magna Titanium edition fountain pen with pen case, a pen stand and a Designer 8, 2mm linear carbon fiber mechanical pencil. Signed diploma.
Third prize: A Venvstas set consisting of a Carbon T fountain pen with pen case, a pen stand and a Designer 8, 2mm linear carbon fiber mechanical pencil. Signed diploma.
Instagram prize : A Venvstas set consisting of a Carbon T fountain pen, pen case and pen stand, signed diploma.
Any awarded project may be eligible for further development upon agreement and contract between Venvstas and the rights owner.