
Tottenham Pavilion

Submission: March 29, 2020
Registration: February 29, 2020
Language: English
Location: London, UK
Prizes: Please see details below
Type: Open


Call out for architects, artists, innovators and imaginators. Competition to design a new kind of public space to be seen by 1.6m people this summer and an international audience through the London Festival of Architecture.

Tottenham Pavilion is a project born from the Harringay Warehouse District; a former industrial site that has, over the past 20 years, been converted into live and work spaces by artists, makers, musicians and entrepreneurs.

The community is a living example of anti-gentrification. The area has a unique power dynamic – it’s not simply grass root, nor bottom up, that’s far too linear – it has a power source that comes from the clash of differences. This commission is about preserving the anti-gentricification resistance of the area. The winning concept will learn lessons from a very unique corner of London and reinterpret them for a wider audience.

Part of the London Festival of Architecture 2020 programme, both the winning and shortlisted designs will be featured in the festival.

Go to the competition’s website