Submission: September 14, 2018
Registration: September 07, 2018
Language: English, Japanese
Location: Concept
Prizes: Please see details below
Type: Open
The purpose of the competition is to optimise the existing facilities and to supplement their capacity according to the needs of the management. Separation of the primary school and the grammar schools is particularly important.
Both must have a separate, barrier-free entrance logically oriented towardspublic space.In addition to the current plot no. 314/1 (labelled as no. 315 including the building) the school can also newly utilise plot no. 294/1 belonging to the city district, where it is possible to place facilities not directly associated with teaching (dining room, assembly hall, offices for the school psychologist and prevention officer).
The city district would like to use this new construction as a community centre, where various ceremonies and cultural events of the city district can also be held.All proposed facilities must have adequate sanitary amenities.The Contracting Authority expects to invest CZK 50 million excluding VAT.This amount does not include the price of equipping the interior.The entry should pay close attention to the design in terms of both the capital and the operational budgets.
Competition schedule
24. 7. 2018, 13:00 Site visit You will be able to register by sending an e-mail with the subject “TROJSKA-VISIT” to the address of the competition secretary:
14. 9. 2018, 15: 00 Middle European Time Final deadline for submissions see marker “CONTEST ENTRY” and Competition condition 6 Contest Entry
Registration is free of cost and is not binding with respect to Entry submission. The participant may register by sending an email to the contact person concerned:
The registration e-mail should have as the subject the words “TROJSKA – REGISTRATION” and the body should include:
The name/identity of the participant
Contact details of the contact person: name, e-mail, corresponding address and telephone number
Prizes and honourable mentions
1. prize: 275 000 CZK (around 10 600 EUR)
2. prize: 200 000 CZK (around 7 700 EUR)
3. prize: 100 000 CZK (around 3 800 EUR)
Honourable mentions: 50 000 CZK (around 1 900 EUR)