Submission: January 21, 2023
Registration: January 21, 2023
Language: English
Location: Global
Prizes: Please see details below
Type: Open
A two stage architectural Competition for the development of the future Museum of Sciences of Rome, conceived by the Scientific Technical Commission chaired by the Nobel Prize winning Prof. Giorgio Parisi. The museum is the final part of a broader redevelopment program program that has been involving, since 2013, a dismissed military infrastructure in via Guido Reni.
The competition is carried out by Roma Capitale in collaboration with Cassa Depositi e Prestiti , current owner of the area. In the first stage, participants are asked to submit an idea concept proposal and the authors of the 5 best proposals will be invited to provide the technical economic feasibility project in the second stage. The winner, providing the fulfilment of the necessary requirements, may be in charge of the schematic and detailed design phase development.
Nowadays a museum that deals with science must be able to interpret the great issues of our society, such as the great challenges of mitigation and adaptation to climate change and the awareness of environmental damage and their repercussions on the environment. In addition, the Museum of Sciences of Rome project must be the result of a careful reading of the urban situation that is able to reveal the possibilities inherent in its spaces and a complex and long-discussed program and clearly proposes a hypothesis that, by one side, places the Museum of Sciences of Rome on the metropolitan scale and, by the other side, relates the new structure with the immediate surroundings of MAXXI, Polo Civico Flaminio, Auditorium.
The Museum of Sciences of Rome is also an opportunity for reflection on the city, its spatial structure, its life cycles, the sustainable use of available resources to allow positive social and economic development for future generations.
• Deadline for receipt of requests for clarification for the first stage – 09.12.2022
• Deadline for receipt of project proposals for the first stage – 23.01.2023 h 12:00
• Shortlist communication – 07.02.2023
• Deadline for receipt of requests for clarification for the second stage – 24.03.2023
• Deadline for receipt of project proposals for the second stage – 10.05.2023 h 12:00
• Announcement of the winner – 05.07.2023
Rewards and refunds:
There will be a first prize for the winner to cover the costs incurred for the processing of the technical economic feasibility project of € 150,000 and reimbursement of expenses is paid to each of the 4 remaining participating Design Groups that have submitted the required work in the second stage, equal to € 20,000. The winner, providing the fulfilment of the necessary requirements, may be in charge of the schematic and detailed design phase development.