Submission: January 16, 2018
Registration: January 15, 2018
Language: English, Français
Location: United States / Mexico
Prizes: 5000 €
Type: Open
The exercise consists of getting hold of the subject of borders as a symbolic representation of the political arena, be it real, imaginary, or claimed, and to compare it to different levels of the territory and to urban and architectural questions and issues. By analyzing the USA / Mexico border, the idea is to formulate hypotheses and to attempt to solve spatial equations of territories that isolate themselves and that turn their back to each other.
The participants have all the freedom to bring an architectural and/or urban response to the issues that are contemplated and raised by the problem of the USA/ Mexico border, be it at a specific location, a portion of it, or its entirety. The participants will have the freedom to determine which scale is the most relevant to answer the raised issues or the questions that they will have asked themselves, or that actually occur on site.