
“Venicinema” (Understanding Cities through Film)

Registration: 7 May 2023
Language: English
Location: Venice, Italy
Prizes: Please see the details below
Type: Scholarship Competition


Venicinema will help expand, strengthen, deepen and consolidate your research interests in architecture, urban planning and social history; whether you’re an undergraduate, PhD candidate, post-doctoral researcher, or an early-years practitioner.  It proposes a unique, interdisciplinary approach to understanding cities; you will first study how fiction films have expressed Venice’s characteristics, then use the cinematic montage to make your own observational films. The approach, outputs and knowledge are transferrable and applicable to your own city or situation. The results are presented within the framework of your research interests and critiqued by experts in the field.

And then there’s the magic…of attending the ‘Floating Cinema’ on the lagoon, walking the red carpet at the Venice Film Festival, working with sound, and projecting or shooting films in precisely the same location as Daniel Craig, Kathryn Hepburn, Donald Sutherland, Julie Christie, Amitabh Bachchan, Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp once stood and waited for the call to “action”.

Next Course Dates: 04 – 15 September 2023

No previous experience in filmmaking is necessary.


>>> Go to the competition’s website <<<

Date: April 6, 2023