Submission: November 15, 2021
Registration: October 15, 2021
Language: English
Location: Worldwide
Prizes: Please see details below
Type: Open competition
The challenge is to create a tiny house module that might function as a getaway for a few days, a workstation place, a small sauna with amenities, or even some extra proposed function by the competitor. The tiny household be based on modular construction and have unified elements.
Tiny house
Tiny Houses are dwelling units on a small scale. Living in the Tiny House is a conscious choice of the user to live in a small yet cleverly designed space and with innovative technologies and unique character of the design.
The Tiny Houses are ideally under 50sqm of high-quality functionality. They can be mobile and off-grid. The houses generally serve as single-family residences. Tiny house might be located in the forest, which would be a foundation for its uniqueness. The house should provide all amenities and comfortable living conditions for at least two persons for a week-long stay (yet ability to create extra sleeping space is welcome). Same fundamental module system should facilitate ability to transform its function with minimal required changes during fabrication process (as example water, plumbing pipes, major electricity routing should not change based on final function of module). For illustrational purposes, all three or more modules should form a “tiny house village” showing how these modules could form a bigger setting
The three winning projects will be awarded the main prize:
Ist place – 1 000 EUR
IInd place – 500 EUR
IIIrd place – 250 EUR