Submission: March 31, 2017
Registration: March 31, 2017
Language: English
Location: Ottawa, Canada
Prizes: Details below
Type: Open
The national capital commission (NCC) is pleased to launch the first phase of a two-stage international design competition for Nepean point, a promontory at the symbolic heart of Canada’s capital, Ottawa. In the midst of numerous important public and private cultural institutions, the Nepean point competition site, including two entranceways, is 2.5 hectares.
In concrete terms, the NCC would like to create a lively, 21st century green space that is an inspiring source of pride for all Canadians and a new opportunity for visitors to enrich their experience of the capital and its landscapes. This will also present an opportunity to enhance the connection between the site and its surroundings, including major’s Hill park, the national gallery of Canada, the royal Canadian mint, and the global centre for pluralism, through improved pedestrian circulation.
The final proposals submitted will include the design of a pedestrian bridge linking Nepean point and major’s Hill park, a gathering space for events and programming in Nepean point, and various other amenities.
Stage 1 – Qualifications
Parties interested in participating in the competition must form a team with a lead who is a landscape architect eligible to obtain licensure with the Ontario association of landscape architects. stage 1 of the design competition aims to establish a short list of up to four (4) multidisciplinary teams that will be invited to participate in the second stage of the process, the request for proposals (RFP). The jury will base its decision on the evaluation of submissions against the criteria presented in this section. In order to ensure an equitable and comprehensive evaluation, each submission must adequately meet all the established criteria, and must be complete in all respects. The finalists will be contacted directly and the official list of selected teams will be announced on the NCC’s website.
Stage 2 – Proposals
The teams selected as finalists in stage 1 will be invited to participate in the second stage of the competition and provided with the project guidelines document. Stage 2 will require the preparation of a design concept and proposal for the entire site, including the pedestrian bridge.
The finalists invited to participate in stage 2 must provide illustrations, descriptive text, cost estimates and a complete list of the members of their final team according to the requirements defined in the guidelines document. An electronic model of the entire site, prepared by the NCC, will be provided to all finalist teams. This model must be used by teams to present their project.
The Nepean point sector has become a cultural node, with nearby national institutions, as well as a variety of restaurants, art galleries and boutiques. Once completed, Nepean point will become the heart of the sector and will offer a multi-sensory experience, allowing visitors to discover the Canadian soul, as well as Canadian symbols, values, poetry and way of life. Inspired by history, the site along with its surrounding architecture will be a scenic 21st century park, equipped with gathering space for events, a large promenade with lookouts and scenic views of the Capital Region, the statue of Samuel de Champlain and contemporary works of art.
- to re-establish the national identity of Nepean point and the surrounding area, and to enhance the site as a destination and gathering place;
- to maximize existing views and maintain the unique iconic nature of the Samuel de Champlain monument;
- to build the infrastructure to transform Nepean point into a cultural focal point that can host artistic events;
- to encourage discovery of Nepean point by improving access to the site including linkages to stakeholder institutions and surrounding context;
- to ensure adequate amenities are available for visitors to the site;
- to enhance the visitor experience by incorporating an interpretive program;
- to enhance public safety and ensure universal accessibility within the competition site limits.
Second stage – up to 4 finalist team will receive per 50,000 CAD + 4,000 CAD for travel expenses up to two team members (all taxes included), Winning teams – contract of 1,000,000 CAD (all taxes included).