Submission: October 19, 2015
Registration: October 16, 2015
Language: English
Location: Beijing, China
Prizes: 1st Prize: 3,000€, 2nd Prize: 1,500€, 3rd Prize: 1000€
Type: Open
Focus of this challenge is a family apartment on three levels, located in a luxury neighbourhood of West Beijing. The apartment is on a last floor, with north- south orientation, overlooking famous Purple Bamboo Park on its south side. Client is a collector of Chinese antiques and Western art, and his home is full of valuable objects from different periods and styles.
The aim of this design challenge to create a contem- porary Western living space while preserving Chinese traditional ambient in some zones, and to shape inside apartment a unique private gallery for showcasing clients collection.
Main design style of the apartment should be contemporary Western, combining both Chinese and Western approach to spatial organization.
Different styles could be separated clearly or mixed. Client favours Italian culture and art, also owns various Chinese and European artworks and antiques.
Certain zones should have distinct cultural character, others just simple and modern look.
It is desirable that a new design improves general us- ability and capacities of storage space, while preserving simplicity and existing spatial characteristics.
Exhibition capacities of gallery space will be considered in evaluation with special attention.
Design should consider cultural references to create a fusion between the West and the East and harmonically bring mixed elements to the space. The interpretation of these references should be contemporary, and it can reflected on the spacial arrangement, furniture design or the materials used.
Contemporary clean lines with luxury materials and carefully selected furniture. Everything has to emit the feeling of elegance and quality.
It is desirable to differentiate zones with Chinese and Western ‘influence’ , so that experience of space be- comes more diverse and provoking.
Selection of materials used in the design proposal and surface finishing must correspond to the value and rarity of the exhibiting collection. Overall look needs to carry a feeling of exclusiveness and emphasise the artistic value of showcasing objects, but also to keep the atmosphere relaxed and warm.
Special attention should be on lighting effects that can improve ‘museum’ experience and bring focus and importance to some design elements and zones.