Submission: January 08, 2016
Registration: January 08, 2016
Language: English, Spanish, Italian
Location: Venice, Italy
Prizes: 500,00 euro for each participant
Type: Open
We want to imagine in Cannaregio district – a place middle between the train station, the Grand Canal and the island of Murano – the Artisan School, a laboratory where train the teachers of tomorrow. Contemporary architecture located in the heart of the historical center to form an ideal bridge between the past and present.
There is no limit for the competition. I allowed to contest all those who want to deal with the theme proposed, whatever their country of origin. There are no age limits, can enroll graduate students, graduates or professionals. You can participate as an individual or as a group. In the second case it is necessary to elect a leader to have a contact person to which official communications. All competitors have the same rights and must fulfill the same obligations. Groups can be mixed or use more professional, they may be made simultaneously by graduate and undergraduate students.
Registration is open until the last day of delivery processed 08th January 2017. The registration procedures are as follows:
SPECIAL ENTRY: from 26th September-30th October the fee entry is of 15,00 euro for who will use PayPal, 20,00 euro for who will use bank transfer.
ORDINARY ENTRY: from 31th October-28th November the fee entry is of 20,00 euro for who will use PayPal, 25,00 euro for who will use bank transfer.
EXTRAORDINARY ENTRY: from 29th November -08th January the fee is of 25,00 euro for who will use payPal, 30,00 euro for who will use bank transfer.
The methods of payment are the following:
-PayPal: You can submit your entry fee by referring to the
-Bank Transfer: For those wishing to pay by bank transfer can write to the email and ask specific about the bank.
The quote are for each participant. There are no refunds in any circumstances. Sending the registration fee you accept every point of this regulation.
The material of competition, dwg and photo’s area (not high-resolution images because they serve exclusively for the analysis of the site and not for render), are sent on receipt of the copy of payment that should be sent to our email address. It is categorically forbidden to use a different plan than the one provided. Since this is a competition of ideas are not provided reference PRG to not bind the work of competitors. There are no height restrictions for the above ground volumes – you cannot design underground spaces – and the project area must be considered at the same altitude and free by everything. The project has to be calibrated for a maximum flow of about 500 people daily.
The files must be sent in a single solution, every files must contain the alphanumeric code in title, before 08th January 2017 (23:59 italian time). Following the delivery cannot be forwarded again to replace and should not be missing from any of the points listed below; who does not respect the Regulation is excluded from the contest. They are part of the documentation of the competition:
-MODEL A: In the end of regulation that you should send in .pdf format
-PROJECT TABLE: A digital file format A0 and drawn horizontally. It should be delivered in .jpg format with a resolution not exceeding 150 dpi. Anyone can decide how to draw up their work by inserting the elaborate plans, sections, three-dimensional reconstructions, render etc. The thesis project must contain at the top right a alphanumeric identifier (max 6 units) that each participant will choose freely.
-RELATION OF PROJECT: A folder A4 Word format, maximum 4,000 characters including spaces, where not inserted images or graphics design. Internally they are described reasons formal and functional characterization of most of the proposal. In the header you must insert the alphanumeric code.
The winners will be announced on the website of the Association no later than the date of 23th January 2017. Will be deserving the first three works as well as any other projects which are not excluded special mentions.
-At The winner will receive a prize of 500,00 euro (excluding TAX) for each participant.
-Ai Top three finishers will be guaranteed an annual subscription to the DOMUS magazine in digital format.
-The winners and mentioned the partecipation is guaranteed for life as part of all our future competitions as well as being present on our portal.