Submission: October 06 th 2023
Registration: August 16 th 2023
Language: English
Location: Nigeria
Prizes: View website
Type: Open
The Order of Architects in Romania (OAR), with the support of Timiș Territorial Branch of OAR and the Contracting Authority – The Municipality of Timișoara, are glad to announce the official launch of the „Victoriei Square” International Design Competition.
The purpose of this competition is to select the best project for the design and modernization of Victoriei Square and of the streets in the citadel area, for the award of the design services contract.
Victoriei Square (formerly known as Opera Square) is an exceptional historical, cultural and identity landmark that goes beyond the geographical limits of Timișoara. It is one of the city’s main squares and the symbol of the fall of the communist regime in Romania, where Timișoara was proclaimed the first free city in Romania on December 20th, 1989. At the same time, it contains numerous symbols, cultural and affective landmarks important to the city’s inhabitants, among other elements of historical and cultural heritage that must be understood in all their significance, protected and promoted as such.
For several years, The City Hall of Timișoara has been trying to rehabilitate this space, on which several fragmented maintenance and repair interventions and local improvements have been contracted and are underway. The challenge of the competition consists of formulating a solution for the development of the public space that is respectful of the built heritage, of all the layers that history has deposited in this space and in harmony with the elements of the urban landscape.
The participants of the competition should find̆ the maximum potential for each of the needs of Victoriei Square and seek a fair balance between the perennial values of the history and space of Victoriei Square and the possibilities of innovation in accordance with the contemporary way of thinking and usage of the public space.
The Contracting Authority of the competition is The Municipality of Timișoara, the beneficiary of the project which will be contracted following the competition.
The competition is organized by the Romanian Order of Architects (OAR), in accordance with the OAR Good Practices Guide for Design Competitions (edited in Romanian – Ghidul de bune practici în organizarea concursurilor de soluții OAR, rev. 2022), in compliance with the provisions of the legislation in force regarding the award of public procurement contracts. The Design Competition is a public, single-stage competition, open to Romania, all countries of the European Union, of the European Economic Area, and to the Swiss Confederation. The design competition is organized as an independent procedure, in accordance with art. 105 letter a) of Law no. 98/2016 regarding public procurement, and subsequently, pursuant to provisions under art. 104 para. (7) of the same law, the design services contract is to be awarded to the winner of the competition, following a negotiation procedure without prior publication of a participation announcement.
Full Members
arch. Ana Sverko
arch. Maria Chiara Pozzana
arch. Maruša Zorec
arch. Gruia Bădescu
arch. Dragoș Oprea
arch. Ciprian Silviu Cădariu
arch. Gabriel Almăjan – Representative of AC
Deputy Members
arch. Monica Sebestyen
Vice Mayor Ruben Lațcău – Representative of AC
1st Prize I The estimated value of the design services Contract, 1.500.000 EUR, without VAT (7,415,850.00 LEI* without VAT).
2nd Prize I 30.000 EUR without VAT (148.317 LEI*)
3rd Prize I 15.000 EUR without VAT (74.158,50 LEI*)
Mention I I 7.500 EUR without VAT (37.079,25 LEI*)
Mention II I 7.500 EUR without VAT (37.079,25 LEI*)
* 1 EUR = 4,9439 LEI, exchange rate on 27.04.2023
Competition official launch I The official launch in SEAP
Site visit registrations I August 16 th (Wednesday)
Site visit I August 19 th (Saturday)
Deadline for receiving questions, Round 1 I August 21 st, H 10:00 (Monday)
Deadline for answering questions, Round 1 I August 28 th (Monday)
Deadline for receiving questions, Round 2 I September 20 th, H 10:00 (Wednesday)
Deadline for answering questions, Round 2 I September 27 th (Wednesday)
Deadline for project submission I October 06 th, H 16:00 (Friday)
Formal evaluation of the projects (Technical Committee verification) I October 09th – 12th (Monday –Thursday)
Jury assessment of the projects I October 13th – 15th (Friday –Sunday)
Winner official announcement and publishing of the results (press conference with the Jury) I October 16th (Monday)
Publishing the entries’ gallery on the Competition’s official website I October 16th – 17th (Monday –Tuesday)
Deadline for submitting appeals I 10 days from the publication of the results in SEAP
Find out more on the official competition website:
For the latest announcements and news on the competition follow our official Facebook pages:
The Romanian Order of Architects:
OAR Competitions Department: