
A gateway to Mieres

Submission: 12th May 2024 Registration: 12th May 2024 Location: Mieres Language: English, Spanish Prizes: View website Type: International

The University of Oviedo launches its sixth international ideas competition for students with the aim of obtaining proposals for the resolution of a problem associated with transport networks in the city, and the opportunity offered by transport infrastructures to generate landmarks and unique entrances to towns.
The northern access to the city of Mieres (Spain) via the A-66 motorway is very deteriorated from an urban, aesthetic and landscape point of view, and is currently a purely functional infrastructure for road traffic that has not been effectively integrated into the city. The theme for the ideas competition thus arises: the intervention in the area around the northern access with the fundamental purpose of improving the pedestrian, cycling and landscape conditions of the surroundings, thus dignifying an urban space that should be representative of the city.
In addition, the competition leaves open the possibility of facilitating access for pedestrians and cyclists to the river’s edge, the option of making modifications to the configuration of traffic and the possibility of altering the current layout of the transport infrastructures in the area.
Further information is available in the administrative rules of the competition.
Link for downloading information (in english): https://unioviedo-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/plasenciapedro_uniovi_es/EgPMQLF8oE1KlatvyysdEzMBRiTB__0GEw6lMdH2Tcjb2A?e=hyk4lk

Date: April 12, 2024