
Architecture in Persepctive 31

Submission: February 01, 2016
Registration: March 07, 2016
Language: English
Location: Concept
Prizes: $7,750 in cash and $1,650 in other prizes
Type: Professionals & Students


ASAI will be rewarding $7,750 in CASH prizes for some of the top recipients selected for the AIP 31 exhibition as well as $1,650 in memberships. See the website for more details.

DEADLINE Monday, February 01, 2016
The American Society of Architectural Illustrators’ annual international competition and exhibition further the Society’s objectives by selecting its members’ extraordinary work and presenting it in major venues worldwide over the course of a year. Selected artwork is also reproduced in a companion catalogue that is sold through bookstores and the ASAI website.
The competition is open only to ASAI individual and corporate members in good standing and newly subscribed members (with entries). See a full description of the competition and entry requirements 
If you need additional information or would like instructions for entering and/or an entry form to be sent to you, please contact ASAI headquarters at +1 (207) 966-2062 or hq@asai.org
DEADLINE Monday, March 07, 2016
In 2009, the American Society of Architectural Illustrators introduced a student member category to “Architecture in Perspective.” The category is open to members who are primarily students, not those who already have established a professional career in this field (design and illustration) and are undertaking only part-time study. Student members are invited to enter a maximum of 5 images which can include formal presentation renderings, informal sketches, study projects, drawings, paintings and computer imagery. Entries will be judged by a separately convened jury, which will include senior ASAI members. The Student Award of Excellence winner will receive a Certificate of Excellence and the winning image will be included in the AIP exhibition which travels the United States and international venues. The jury, at their discretion, may also award Student Awards of Merit accompanied by a Certificate of Merit. All winning images will be published in the AIP catalogue and on the ASAI website.
The competition is open only to ASAI student members in good standing and newly subscribed members (with entries). See a full description of the competition and entry requirements.
If you need additional information or would like instructions for entering and/or an entry form to be sent to you, please contact ASAI headquarters at +1 (207) 966-2062 or hq@asai.org

Go to the competition’s website