Submission: January 25, 2019
Registration: January 25, 2019
Language: English
Location: Concept
Prizes: Please see details below
Type: Open
Around the world, road networks transport 60 per cent of all goods in the country and 80 per cent of total passenger traffic. The basic need of commuters travelling by road is filling Station to fuel their vehicle and stopovers to refresh, rest and feed themselves. With increasing number of urban movers and highway traffic; Highway refreshment stops with filling station play an important role of not just serving moving consumers but also generating economy for the region.
As road travel is becoming more frequent – highway refreshment stops are also growing in numbers. With the market becoming more competitive, the quality of highway refreshment stop will be the game changer. Having said that, Travellers are now becoming more discerning and selective about where they stop. Instead of pulling over in random places, they’re planning their stops more carefully.
The Challenge
Is there an ideal contemporary highway rest stop and can it be designed to last both functionally and aesthetically? We are focusing on few criteria’s that can help you understand better:
• User Experience: A highway rest stop with filling station which serves every kind of customer; from a truck driver, family travelling by car to young bikers. With such variant user group, it becomes important to serve each one better keeping in mind to build facilities according to their needs.
• Design: Can your design rebrand the identity of highway rest stops? An inclusive design which is aesthetically beautiful and invites all kind of users.
• Functionality : Vehicle refilling, Resting, Freshening up and consuming food are some basic functions of a highway rest-stop and need(s) of an user.
• User-flow : User flow is the path taken by a user in/on your planned/designed structure. As architects, you have to provide meaningful and relevant experiences to users making it easier for them and their vehicles to move through comfortably.
Design Program
The first criterion is providing a design approach that can be applied to highway rest stops throughout the world albeit with a tolerance that allows for modifications depending on factors like climate, economy and other local requisites
• An area of 3 acres to be designed as a highway rest stop with an area of 1 acre to be left for filling station untouched.
• Food Court or Restaurant, Rest rooms, Retail /medical store & Lodging area (if necessary)– the number & size of the structure is left to the participant’s understanding of space & user type.
• Entry and Exit way for Vehicles with Parking area should be provided for passenger cars (3 m x 6 m) and for trucks (3.6 m x 18 m) – the number should be decided by the participant. Landscaping and other utilities are left to participant’s imagination.
• The planning should be done considering a traffic of 1600-1800 vehicles per day (24 hours). 20% Heavy Vehicles (Trucks), 70% Cars and 10% two wheelers.